
How to do Windows Backup.

Last Revised: 2015-10-29 21:08:22

Frequently restoring a Windows backup is the most effective method to rescue Windows after it crashes or becomes unstable.

This method will backup Windows files to image file(s) that can be used to restore Windows to a known good point should you experience any problems in the future.

Windows Backup can backup your entire Windows, or its core parts such as DPT (Disk Partition Table), Registry and MBR (Master Boot Record) to a destination partition, including internal disk and external disk. You can back up all of them one time or back up them independently. The four backups are independently saved on your hard disk. You can restore these backup files if Windows gets corrupted or unstable.

Windows Backup Main Interface:

1) Choose the Backup Options.

By checking and unchecking options you can choose to include or exclude items from the backup.

2) Specify Target.

In convenience to identification, inputting Remark information for different restore points is suggested.

3) Click More setting to config the backup option(optional).

4) Click Backup Now.

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