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How to solve the elements dislocation in the design?

Different browsers may cause elements to appear differently. If an element in the design appears to have a size and position deviation during the download, try viewing and downloading it again in a different browser.

If the problem cannot be resolved, try the following.

  1. Log out of your account and log in again.

  2. Open the design file.

  3. Zoom in and preview the file to see if all the elements are in place. Recalibration is required in case of dislocation.

  4. Make sure you have a stable Internet connection so that any changes you make are completely saved.

  5. Select elements in the design to check if they are in the composition. If you are in a combination, click the undo combination icon from the editor toolbar. If they don't combine, make sure they don't.

  6. (Optional) Clear accumulated browser history, cookies, and caches, as they sometimes may cause problems.

  7. Download your design again.

If the above does not solve the problem, please connect our support team for help.

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