Please firstly check whether you purchased the product through App Store/ Google Play or Wondershare official website.
- If the order was placed through App Store/ Google Play, please request for invoice through Apple & Google directly.
Here are some instructions that might help you:
- For orders, please follow these instructions to get or modify your invoice.
Step1: Sign into Wondershare Account Center with your Wondershare ID and password.
Step2: Under My Order, click Order History.
Step3: Beside the order you'd like to request for the invoice, click Get Invoice.
Step4: Input your name, address and VAT number (Note: Address and VAT number are optional), and then click Submit.
Step5: The invoice will be sent to your licensed email address within 1 hour. If the invoice is not received, it might be in the spam folder or got blocked by the email server. Please check it in the spam folder.
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