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What should I do if the program Stop Working/Get Frozen?

If the program stops working or get frozen, we have to check the program as well as the storage device. Please kindly check by following the below steps:

1.Check the scan is dead or not (Sometimes is just very slow but not frozen).
Please close other applications including antivirus and firewall to free up more memory space. Usually, this will speed up the scan.

2.The scan process stops responding
Please pause the scan and select the files to recover them. If the recovery prompts Recovery Failed or the recovered files are all 0KB, you need to keep running the software, then disconnect the drive and reconnect it. After that, please try to save the files again.
It's also suggested to change a much more powerful USB cable to make sure the connection of the drive is always stable during the scan. It's recommended to use a USB Enclosure which has its own power cable to connect the drive.

3.Recover data before the errors happen

4.Check whether the hard drive has hardware issues
Bad sectors on a hard drive will prevent software from reading the drive normally and usually result in a frozen issue. Please check if the hard drive really contains some bad sectors or other physical errors.

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